Tuesday, September 20, 2011

important decisions

So I do believe the last time I had blogged(before today of course) I was very seriously contemplating not reenlisting after my six years was up which was in August. I finally worked up the courage to talk to Steven about my desire to get out and go to school and be a stay at home girlfriend(hehe) and try to find a part time job if needed.

Surprisingly, he was open to the idea but naturally nervous about the loss of a whole paycheck. He told me to find out as much information as I could about how to go about starting my GI Bill, how long it takes to start, how much money we would get, etc. I was excited but also incredibly scared especially since it was only three months out from separation.

After a couple of talks with E-6's whom I respect I decided to stay in. Although I don't want to PCS without Steven, or vice versa, I don't want to put a huge financial burden on Steven. I decided to reenlist for four more years and when that is up I will be done, finally. 

Looking back I am still happy with my decision to stay in. I occasionally wish I could stay at home, work part time, or go to school full time but it just wasn't in the cards for us yet. A huge pro that came from me reenlisting was paying off my car a year early. By doing that we were able to get Steven a new vehicle which he desperately needed.

All in all we knew that being financially sound was more important than trying to dodge a possible separation. This way we can have money in the bank, vehicles paid off, and maybe even a new last name for me. :)

and she's back

So I am back finally, even though Blogger deleted my blog, or at least my password and now I cannot get into it.

Steven and I are still in the fancy smancy apartment that we moved into in January. We have been together for a little more than a year now. In June/July we headed to New Jersey and Pennsylvania to meet and visit with his family. I love his dad!

We're both still hoping to not get orders until after we get married, and no I don't know when the question will be popped or when the big day will come.

Steven just got a new truck a month or so ago, which he loves. It's a fire truck red, Dodge Ram 1500 quad cab. It's perdy.

Hmm not sure what else to write about right now. Hope everyone is doing great. I am now off to catch up on Y'alls blogs.